The 2020 Great Ohio River Swim — an open-water swim from one side of the riverbank to the other — has been canceled due to concerns around the coronavirus. It was slated to take place Aug. 30.
This is actually the third year in a row the swim, technically called the Bill Keating, Jr., Great Ohio River Swim (named for a supporter who lost his battle with brain cancer in 2017), has been called off. Last year, they had to cancel the swim due to a harmful algal bloom. And in 2018 they couldn't swim due to high water and unsafe river conditions.
“Health concerns related to the COVID-19 pandemic have halted permits from our critical venue and safety partners, making it impossible for us to confidently open registration,” said Miriam Wise, Adventure Crew’s associate director, in a release. “We’re disappointed that we will be unable to hold the event, especially after river conditions were uncooperative the past two years.”
The swim is not only a chance for aquatic adventurers to take to the waters of the Ohio, it's also a fundraiser to help city teenagers from 24 Greater Cincinnati and Northern Kentucky schools experience nature through the nonprofit Adventure Crew.
But since it's unsafe for large groups to swim and gather, Bill Keating, Jr.'s daughter, Caroline, is taking her own personal swim to help raise funds and offset some of the loss for Adventure Crew.
According to a release, "More details about her challenge will be released in the coming weeks, but here’s a hint: The more donations she gets, the further she’ll swim. Her goal is to raise at least $5,000 for Adventure Crew and swim 5K. Donations are now being accepted through her fundraising page."
“The Bill Keating, Jr. Great Ohio River Swim has always been an event I looked forward to all summer,” Caroline said in a release. “It a way to remember my dad’s legacy while, more importantly, giving back to the youth of Cincinnati. Getting outdoors and supporting our youth is more important than ever in 2020, and while I am disappointed the virus has cancelled another favorite summer activity, I am confident the supporters of the Swim and Adventure Crew will help us find creative ways to get outside and give back this summer.”
Adventure Crew will offer the Great Ohio River Swim again in 2021 and past registrations will be carried over.
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