A former vacant strip mall storefront has transformed into an immersive choose-your-own-adventure sci-fi art installation via Otherworld Ohio. This 32,000-square-foot space features more than 45 different rooms, each with their own themes and interactive features.
More than 40 different artists ranging from programmers and animators to metalworkers and mediums have worked together to create an experience that basically blends an escape room, Burning Man and a children’s museum.
The overarching concept of the attraction is that you have entered Otherworld Industries, a tech company that specializes in “alternate-realm tourism.” Visitors have volunteered to be “beta testers” at Otherworld, “but upon arrival at the desolate research facility, you are left on your own.”
You can then create your own story by wandering and exploring “large-scale interactive art, mixed-reality playgrounds, puzzles and secret passageways.”
Otherworld Ohio is located at 5918 Chantry Drive, Columbus. Open Friday though Sunday. Tickets are $22. Get more info at otherworldohio.com. Follow along on instagram.com/otherworldohio.