The World’s Longest Yard Sale is an annual event that stretches almost 700 miles along State Route 127, from Gadsden, Alabama to Addison, Michigan and straight through Greater Cincinnati.
Locally, the 127 Yard Sale website has the Covered Bridge Antique Mall in Hamilton and the Northside Summer Market on Hoffner Street in Northside listed as “major vendor stops,” but expect plenty of people to be out throughout the weekend selling stuff in their yards.
The aforementioned Northside Summer Market takes place 9 a.m.-2 p.m. and 6-11 p.m. on Saturday and includes not only a community-wide yard sale, but also a Humble Monk beer garden, live music, public mural art and a cool-down station with a grill out, cold drinks and kids’ activities.
World’s Longest Yard Sale Thursday-Sunday. Free admission. Get more info at