Marianna Brown Bettman

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  • Passengers and Traffic Stops

    Cases involving traffic stops always interest me because of the potential constitutional implications from something so simple. The Fourth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution protects us from unreas

    By Marianna Brown Bettman

  • Ruling Too Dismissive of Right to Parent

    Child custody cases are always among the most wrenching cases courts are called on to decide. A sharply divided Ohio Supreme Court just issued a troubling decision involving a child named Brayden Ja

    By Marianna Brown Bettman

  • Searching and Seizing: Two New Rulings

    Searches and seizures come in many different forms. This column looks at two recent challenges under the Fourth Amendment, which protects us from unreasonable searches and seizures by the government

    By Marianna Brown Bettman

  • Police Chokeholds and Nonviolent Suspects

    Does this fact pattern sound familiar? During an arrest, the suspect is allegedly placed in a chokehold by police. Suspect dies. A federal civil suit follows. Roger Owensby Jr.? No, this is a case

    By Marianna Brown Bettman

  • Damaging Ruling on Punitive Damages

    Damages are a key part of the law of torts, which deals with personal injuries. When a person is injured by the negligence or inattention of another, the victim can recover damages. In most cases, t

    By Marianna Brown Bettman