Lil BUB, Social Media Cat Superstar, is Visiting Dayton's Gem City Catfé

The lil cat with the cutest tongue visits the nearby cat cafe on Nov. 4

click to enlarge Lil BUB - Photo: Jesse Fox
Photo: Jesse Fox

Big lil' cat news: Superstar kitty Lil BUB is visiting Dayton's Gem City Catfé on Nov. 4 for a special meet-and-greet. The cat celebrity (and her human Mike) will be helping to raise funds for Gem City Kitties, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit housed inside the Gem City Catfé that "connects adoptable rescue cats with forever families through the cat lounge and educates the community through classes, workshops and advocacy." The Catfé coffee shop, cat lounge and art gallery is one of only a few in the Greater Cincinnati vicinity where those interested in adopting — or just petting — cats can go and spend time with some felines in need of a forever home. >

Lil BUB is a super special cat: After being abandoned in a tool shed in Indiana, she was rescued by her family, who discovered she had several special needs. Due to several genetic anomalies, BUB is a perma-kitten and will remain kitten-sized her entire life. She also has extreme dwarfism, 22 toes, beautiful bulging green eyes and her teeth never grew in. But that doesn't stop her from helping educate the public and raise funds for animals in need.

She and Mike will be presenting "The Story of Lil BUB," an "intimate multimedia experience complete with rare photos and videos, followed by a Q&A with Mike and BUB herself," from 3-4 p.m. Nov. 4. The presentation will be held across the street from the Catfé in the Liederkranz-Turner events hall inside St. Anne’s Hill.

General admission to the talk is $10; limited VIP tickets are $100 and include a donation to homeless pets, a chance to meet — and pet — BUB, a photo with BUB, a special treat and VIP seating. The VIP BUB meet and greet will take place from 11 a.m.-1:30 p.m. at the Gem City Catfé.

Tickets must be purchased online and can not be purchased over the phone.

One-hundred-percent of the ticket sale proceeds will benefit Gem City Kitties.

Click here to register for tickets and get more event details.