Them Bones Places Third in Memphis' IBC

Cincinnati Blues foursome Cheryl Renee and Them Bones are back from the International Blues Challenge in Memphis, where they came in third place in the "band" category. The group, competing against dozens of bands from around the world, won cash and other prizes for their impressive victory. —-

Them Bones earned its way into the competition after winning last year's Cincinnati Blues Challenge and represented the Cincy Blues Society at the event. (Mississippi's Grady Champion Band won first place in the band contest.)

You'll have plenty of chances to congratulate Them Bones live and in person this week. Friday, they'll be a part of the opening night of Cincy Blues Society's massive Winter Blues Fest at the Southgate House in Newport. On Sunday, the group participates in the 6 p.m. Help for Haiti benefit at Oakley's 20th Century Theater, then heads to Newport's Mansion Hill Tavern for its weekly Sunday open jam hosting duties.