Adam Lambert was reportedly arrested in Helsinki early this morning with his boyfriend, Finnish reality TV star Sauli Koskinen. The two had an argument that quickly escalated into a physical altercation at a bar. The pair were held for questioning by local authorities who are looking into up to four assault charges. The two have since been released and Koikinen blogged about the incident rather promptly. "Fame is not easy. Celebrities are only human. Love is not easy either, but it is forever!" he wrote. —-
A Chicago father is being held on aggravated domestic battery charges after he bound and gagged his 1-year-old daughter and posted pictures of it on the Facebook with the caption, “This is wut happens wen my baby hits me back. ;)”
“Arrested is what you get when you duct tape a child.”
A Cincinnati K. Roger’s made and sold a fruitcake back in 1941. That cake has since then belonged to then-store manager Frank Bates. That cake is still possibly edible and you can bid on it until 8 p.m. tonight.
Seth Rogen says he would do a Pineapple Express sequel. "I don't think it's so precious that I wouldn't want to ruin it with a sequel," Rogen said yesterday. "So yeah, I would be [into it]. We talk about it. We joke around about it."
Harrison Ford will play Col. Hyram Graff in Ender’s Game.
A Utah man that won a $300,000 Lamborghini in a convenience store contest crashed it six hours later. Now he plans on selling the damn thing. "I already had offers on it. I'm going to sell it," David Dopp said Wednesday. "I have bills more important than a Lamborghini. I've got a family to support."
Axl Rose and the rest of Guns N’ Roses may reunite for their Rock and Roll Hall of Fame induction in Cleveland next April. "All these managers, they all believe in one thing: sell a reunion tour and get their commission,” he said. “It's just a phone call. It's a half a day's work, or however long they want to keep the bidding war going. They get their commission and they don't care if it falls on its face."
But Rose doesn’t want guitarist Izzy Strandlin or drummer Steven Adler to muck things up if a reunion were to happen. "The only thing that would make it would be Duff and Slash, really," he said. "It's nothing against Izzy and it's nothing against Steven, or anything like that. Steven may want it, but these guys I'm working with right now, they work really hard and it's hard work."
R. Kelly says he has written 32 new chapters of his Trapped in the Closet series. Now he just needs someone to pay him to film them.
Common brought out Stevie Wonder for the encore of his show at the House of Blues in Los Angeles. Video here.
Happy Birthday to Raplh Fiennes, Dina Meyer, Hector Elizondo, Deborah Twiss, Diane Sawyer, Robin Gibb and the late Maurice Gibb.