Here Are Pillich's Military Honors

This week's Porkopolis column looks at the Internet critics questioning the military service of State Rep. Connie Pillich (D-Montgomery), a U.S. Air Force veteran.

Some conservative bloggers have wondered whether Pillich earned the ribbons and medals that she wears at some campaign appearances.—-

Pillich is running for her second Ohio House term. Her Republican opponent is Mike Wilson, a Springfield Township resident who leads the Cincinnati Tea Party.

Here is a photo of the ribbons and medals that Pillich has, along with a specific identification for each. That should lay the controversy manufactured by her opponents to rest.

Meanwhile, the column prompted an anonymous voicemail message that said, "I'm calling to let you know that the Tea Party is coming this November, so all you moraless (sic) Democrats and fake Republicans should watch out. Yeah!"

We stand forewarned.