Cincinnati Zoo Levy Renewal to Appear on November Ballot

Zoo claims levy renewal is a good investment for region

click to enlarge Gladys the gorilla
Gladys the gorilla

After getting approval from county commissioners, a levy renewal for the Cincinnati Zoo and Botanical Garden will appear on the Nov. 5 ballot as Issue 2.

The renewal wouldn’t increase taxes from today’s rates, but it would keep property taxes $10 higher for every $100,000 of home value.

If approved by voters, the funding would go to the care, feeding and maintenance of the zoo’s animals and botanical gardens.

The Cincinnati Zoo is promoting Issue 2 by claiming it’s a good investment for the region. A study from the University of Cincinnati Economic Center

found the zoo had a $143 million impact on the Cincinnati area in 2012

— representing nearly 3.9 times the zoo’s total spending — and produced 1,700 jobs and nearly $1.6 million in tax revenue for Cincinnati and Hamilton County.

The “Renew the Zoo” campaign is already in full motion at
