Morning News and Stuff

Cincinnati city leaders and streetcar supporters went to Columbus yesterday to ask for the state transportation board to sign off on funding parts of the $128 million project. Mayor Mark Mallory addressed the TRAC (Transportation Review Advisory Council) board by saying, "Chairman, members of the board, I respectfully ask that you approve the recommendation made in December.”Their reply was a big, fat eloquent “No,” with only one member of the board voting in favor of moving on with the project.—-

When asked if it was Gov. John Kasich who killed the funding, Mallory said that “the only thing that changed between December when the TRAC board made the recommendation to give us 36.8 million dollars and today is the person that sits in the governor's seat and the person who chairs ODOT (Ohio Department of Transportation).”

The next step for all of the hippies hipsters progressive-thinking people is to fight the state’s legislation that blocks funding of the streetcar project and start looking for new potential funding sources.

Sen. John Kerry (D-Mass.) and Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) yesterday introduced an Internet privacy bill that would create first-time rules for Facebook, Google and other Web forms that thrive on collecting information about users. What you thought all those ads were an accident? (They know why you only take profile pictures from flattering angles.) If the bill becomes law, companies will no longer be able to collect identifying information such as names, e-mail addresses and credit card numbers without individual consent.

A woman named Taylor Dill-Reese recently went into a Detroit Applebee’s and ordered her 15-month-old son Dominick an apple juice. What he got, was a margarita. Mama Reese expressed concern after Dominick "kind of laid his head on the table and dozed off a little bit and woke up and got real happy'' and started hailing strangers. Applebee’s released a statement Monday saying it was relieved that Dominick was "not seriously injured as a result of accidentally receiving the wrong beverage'' and apologizing to his family "for the stress and worry this caused them.'' But they’ll never apologize for revolutionizing cheap dates with the 2 for $20 deal.

According to dating site, Coldplay fans are least likely to have sex after the first date. Users of the site were asked to identify their limit on a first date by choosing one of the following statements: “I’d only meet up for a chat,” “Perhaps a kiss” or “I’d go all the way if the mood was right.” It turns out that Nirvana fans are the most likely to get down with some strange while Coldplay fans are chatting. I don’t know about you, but “Yellow” gets me more hot and bothered than “Smells Like Teen Spirit.” Just sayin’.

The Reds are 8-3 after a thrilling win last night in which the Red machine scored 6 extra-inning runs against the Padres.