The Illusion of Lack

Are you ready for this? Robert Scheinfeld believes that our entire world is a hologram. Imagine yourself the writer, director and producer of your ultimate experience: unlimited abundance, living yo

Are you ready for this? Robert Scheinfeld believes that our entire world is a hologram. Imagine yourself the writer, director and producer of your ultimate experience: unlimited abundance, living your life in joy, creating fun challenges for yourself, complete with a cast of characters following your script (think of the holodeck in Star Trek). Oh, and you'll never worry about money issues again.

This is what's waiting for you in phase two of your life. All of the rules change as your limiting beliefs are blown away.

We've all heard that we create our own reality. Most of us have followed the rules, regulations and beliefs concerning money that we were taught a long time ago without question.

Scheinfeld, in his book Busting Loose From the Money Game, tells us that all that exists is pure potentiality. This means that your life is comprised of the creative soup (energy) plus your own unique blend of ingredients.

The catch is this: You must decide to leave the first phase of your life behind and totally trust in your own unlimited creative power.

You must agree to address any and all discomfort that arises before you can accept the unlimited abundance that is yours. That's what Scheinfeld calls "The Process."

In The Process, we acknowledge that we have created the illusion of lack that causes our discomfort and we're now taking back our power. We then imagine that power surging through us and realize the truth that our abundance is infinite and that we had only convinced ourselves that there was limitation when there was not.

The more we apply The Process, the more peaceful and powerful we become within. We are then able to bust loose from the money game (which is impossible to win) that's caused us stress, health and relationship issues, restrictions and disillusionment.

Scheinfeld also advises us that we can bust loose from the relationship game, the emotions game and the body image game in the same way. Personally, I have used The Process in conjunction with Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) and find it to be even more powerful in bringing inner peace and positive change.

Intrigued? There is more background and information at

JANET BERG is in private practice in Mason and does individual sessions and corporate/group workshops on EFT, Reiki and more. Contact her at 513-680-1875 or