You Can Google It

Jake Speed -

Notes: If you haven't heard of yet, it's okay you're probably already on it. Yesterday (I regret to say), I watched a home video of a chubby lady on a beach listening to her iPod and singing along while random kids laughed at her. Sad. However, apparently 11,710 other people have also wasted 2:54 seconds of their lives doing the exact same thing. With content like that, how could Google afford NOT to pay 1.6 billion dollars for it?

You Can Google It
By: Jake Speed 10/16/06

I found out North Korea dropped a nuclear bomb

I didn't think much about it, was just another clip on

Then Google paid 2 billion for the rights to

Now, it's all much more important, I'll take it seriously that video of the bomb

Then I made a video of myself watching the video of the bomb

You can watch me watch a video of the bomb at

You can Google it. You can Google me. You can Google it and find me watching a video of a bomb if you want.

I made a video of myself Googling the video I made of myself

But the video isn't as good as the video of me watching the bomb video by myself

But you can Google it. You can Google it.

You can Google me Googling a video of myself watching a video of a bomb.

You can video tape me Googling myself making a video of myself watching a video of a bomb

You can post it on your MySpace so all your Friends can comment on it if they want

You can YouTube it. You can YouTube it. You can YouTube your video of me video taping myself Googling the video I made of myself watching a video of a bomb.

You can Google it. You can Google it. You can Google your YouTube video of my YouTube video of me Googling myself making a video of myself watching a video of a bomb.

I think it's very serious that North Korea dropped a nuclear bomb.