Tend Your Garden

Road to Wellness

Thank goodness it's spring, the season of new growth and renewal! We're anxious to get outside, come out of hibernation and feel the natural warmth again.

Clearing out and beautifying our homes and yards for the new season becomes a priority. We have big plans for planting and caring for a beautiful, lush, productive garden, a peaceful sanctuary to enjoy and feel proud of. This year we'll do it right...

But what about the inner "garden" of your mind? Is it neglected or tended to lovingly? Is it filled with deeply rooted "weeds" of negativity, anger or resentment, or is it cultivated with fruitful or flowering positive plans and goals? Are the paths littered with rotting, decayed or destructive thoughts and attitudes or cleared and swept clean so that you can move forward?

A beautiful garden needs vision and planning, vigilant upkeep, enjoyment and appreciation. No matter how much work you put into your earthly garden, it can't replace the necessity to tend your mental/emotional garden.

How long have you been nursing that grudge or dwelling on past mistakes without forgiveness? Are you reluctant or unable to let go of those tenacious old, limited beliefs? How can you see clearly through that overgrown jungle of guilt or insecurity?

Take heart: There are plenty of implements to assist you: EFT, hypnotherapy, coaching, etc. Find the one that's the best fit.

It's time to take hold of those stubborn, destructive emotional weeds and finally pull them out by the roots. Just pruning them back doesn't destroy their ability to reappear again;ignoring them only encourages more. Weeding and aerating the overgrown network of old, dried-up material helps to create new, fertile ground. Breaking up the hard clumps of unresolved emotional experiences prepares the soil for cultivation of stronger and better blooming results.

Once you've cleared out the emotional garbage, you're then free to sow the seeds of your goals and creativity and mulch them with positive reinforcement. Healthy growth is bound to occur. And that will truly be a labor of love.

JANET BERG is in private practice in Mason and does individual sessions and group/corporate workshops on EFT, Reiki and more. Go to www.janetberg.com and click on workshops and classes, or call 513-680-1875.