Based on all of the advanced buzz surrounding Martin Scorsese’s latest film, a version of Jordan Belfort’s true story of his high flying wheeling and dealing (with all of the sordid illegal details mashed-up for extra incentive), The Wolf of Wall Street sounds like a drug-addled frat party at a business school where students of economics and investments were treated like star athletes. And who’s better suited to playing the top jock than late-period Scorsese compatriot Leonardo DiCaprio with Matthew McConaughey as Belfort mentor Mark Hanna and Jonah Hill as Belfort’s go-to guy once he makes his power play in the big leagues? Scorsese has always had a thing for rabid dogs, but with Wolf, it looks like the director got bitten and is wrestling internally to control the manic powers he’s gained. Now in theaters. (R) Not screened in time for review