Halena Cline

Halena Cline is a myth.Well, actually, her artwork is the myth."I guess it's my background, and this culture and the myths we're so steeped in...I've been in a lot of different churches.Tha


Halena Cline is a myth.Well, actually, her artwork is the myth.

"I guess it's my background, and this culture and the myths we're so steeped in...I've been in a lot of different churches.That kind of thing has been drilled into me my whole life, " she says

And it's evident in Tutankhamun, sponsored by Schiff, Kreidler-Shell Insurance Inc., and Sowlestial Chariot, sponsored by Convergys. "That whole idea of the sarcophagus and God and religion are all things I incorporate anyway. I did use themes that I like to deal with and address in art," she explains.

Although she's been painting all her life, Cline didn't take art seriously until the 1970s, when she graduated from Gebhart (now Antonelli) College. She shares her love of art: "(My sister) was sort of my teacher in the beginning. She lives in Paducah. We get together and have art binges," she says.

Cline moved from two-dimensional works to ceramics in the early 1990s. The change to a three-dimensional medium broadened her perspective. "That 3-D adds a little bit more tenuous scope to the pieces that I do," a scope that's allowed her to strengthen her use of myth.