Inside The Railway Museum of Greater Cincinnati, a Hidden Gem of Locomotive History

The Railway Museum of Greater Cincinnati is home to approximately 70 passenger and freight railway cars from the past century. The nonprofit behind this behemoth collection is currently seeking additional funds to aid in the preservation of its collection and to increase overall operations capacity. For the full story, click here The Railway Museum of Greater Cincinnati is at 315 W. Southern Ave., Covington. Open 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Saturdays, May-October. $4; $2 ages 10 and younger. More info:
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The train yard
The train yard
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Guests exploring the Jovita
Guests exploring the Jovita
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A rusting Muphrid Pullman sleeping car
A rusting Muphrid Pullman sleeping car
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Railroad sign ephemera
Railroad sign ephemera
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U.S. troop bunks in a Pullman sleeper car
U.S. troop bunks in a Pullman sleeper car
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Inside The Railway Museum of Greater Cincinnati, a Hidden Gem of Locomotive History
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Inside The Railway Museum of Greater Cincinnati, a Hidden Gem of Locomotive History
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Guests exploring the L&N caboose
Guests exploring the L&N caboose
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Family exploring the train yard
Family exploring the train yard
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Inside the Jovita
Inside the Jovita
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Railway Museum of Greater Cincinnati executive director Tim Hyde (right) and his father, Charles, who is a museum volunteer
Railway Museum of Greater Cincinnati executive director Tim Hyde (right) and his father, Charles, who is a museum volunteer
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Guests exploring the train yard
Guests exploring the train yard
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Inside The Railway Museum of Greater Cincinnati, a Hidden Gem of Locomotive History
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A sink in the Pullman car
A sink in the Pullman car
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1988 group photo of museum volunteers and supporters
1988 group photo of museum volunteers and supporters
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Inside the L&N caboose
Inside the L&N caboose
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Hyde showing the Muprhid Pullman to guests
Hyde showing the Muprhid Pullman to guests
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Historical photos of the bunks inside the U.S. Pullman sleeper car
Historical photos of the bunks inside the U.S. Pullman sleeper car
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Volunteer removing rust
Volunteer removing rust
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Museum volunteer Bill Williams
Museum volunteer Bill Williams
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