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2020-2021 Induction Ceremony at Mount St. Joseph University (October 3, 2021). (L to R, back row) Kay Casey, Nick Clooney, Dick Murgatroyd, Char Jackson, John Lieberman, Nan Crossen, Doug Lillibridge, Shirley Gallagher, Paul Gibby, Donna Lynn Steins Damon, Spencer Merk, Sue Brown (L to R, front row) Bill Cunliffe, Larry Dickson, Pat Kelly, Lou Lausche, Paul Hawthorne and Don Steins

All That Jazz: Cincinnati Jazz Hall of Fame Exhibit

Explore Cincinnati’s rich and storied jazz evolution as historical photos, memorabilia, music, and anecdotes take you back in time. From the roaring twenties Jazz Age through the Swing Era and debut of the Big Bands, Cincy’s jazz scene gave birth to local and international stars through each decade. For more than seven years, the Cincinnati Jazz Hall of Fame has been dedicated to the preservation, appreciation and celebration of America’s indigenous musical art form — jazz. Gallery hours are Tuesdays & Thursdays 12-5pm and by appointment (call or email to schedule)