Art:Faces and Places at Funke Fired Arts

Few artistic mediums reveal the trace of the hand of the artist more than ceramics.

Oct 14, 2014 at 3:42 pm
click to enlarge Faces and Places at Funke Fired Arts
Faces and Places at Funke Fired Arts

Few artistic mediums reveal the trace of the hand of the artist more than ceramics. And although clay and porcelain work is often grouped into decorative arts categories (as opposed to fine art sculpture), artists like Ken Price and Arlene Shechet, who have long worked in the medium, are increasingly becoming more recognized in fine art circles. Two local artists, Katie Swartz and Cheryl Pannabecker will be exhibiting their own sculptural ceramic work Friday at FIRED ARTS, the region’s largest and oldest existing clay studio, gallery and supply center for the ceramic arts. 

Opening reception: 6-9 p.m. Friday. Through Nov. 1. Free. 3130 Wasson Road, Norwood,