In just more than a month, nearly every art university, gallery and museum in town will be hosting photography-related exhibitions of lens-based art for the month-long biennial FotoFocus. As a send-up of the media-based citywide event, the absurdist-leaning artist collective Museum Gallery/Gallery Museum is putting on SANDWICHFOCUS, wherein the gallery will showcase “a variety of aesthetically pleasing and relevant sandwiches from the country’s top sandwich artists.” In typical MG/GM style, expect the sandwich artists involved to be appropriately irreverent in their approach to art-making. According to exhibition copy, by parodying the notion of media-centric celebrations the gallery/collective hopes to “question whether or not such media ‘focus’ is really relevant in art today.” This will be MG/GM’s penultimate show, so pick up a sandwich before next month’s final exhibition. 7-10 p.m. Saturday Sept. 1. Museum Gallery/Gallery Museum. 2161 Central Ave., Brighton.