For anyone who has gone to shows like Bodies at the Cincinnati Museum Center or has seen Egyptian mummies or North American Indians in art or natural history museums, a fascinating exhibition about the ethics of exhibiting human remains has opened in the interpretive center of Dayton's SunWatch Indian Village/Archaeological Park. Called Kennewick Man on Trial, it explores the controversy arising from the discovery of one of the oldest and most complete skeletons found in the Americas. The discovery was made in Kennewick, Wash., in 1996, and researchers believe it is between 5,650-9,510 years in age. But while archaeologists want to study it further, contemporary Native Americans want to bury it as one of their ancestors. The show reviews the controversy without featuring the remains or any representations or casts of the actual Kennewick Man. It’s on display until June 21. SunWatch Indian Village is at 2301 W. River Roads in Dayton. Hours are 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Monday-Saturday and noon-5 p.m. Sundays. Admission is $5.