Black Lives Matter Yard Signs Defaced In Madeira, Police Asking for Help Identifying the Individual

The vandalism occurred between midnight and 2 a.m. Saturday night/early Sunday morning, according to MPD

Sep 7, 2020 at 10:39 am
The police are asking for help identifying this vehicle - Photo: Madeira Police Department Facebook
Photo: Madeira Police Department Facebook
The police are asking for help identifying this vehicle

The Madeira Police Department is asking the public to contact them with any information regarding an individual in a black SUV/larger vehicle who was spotted defacing Black Lives Matter yard signs in the neighborhood this weekend.

The Madeira Police Department needs your HELP identifying the individual driving the black SUV type vehicle in these...

Posted by Madeira Police Department on Sunday, September 6, 2020

According to WCPO, this person was going around and "altering (the signs) with white paint to say 'Black Lies Matter.'"

MPD Lt. Paul Phillips confirmed via email that the Facebook post is about the defaced BLM signs.

Phillips says, "The incident occurred in the early morning hours of Sunday between midnight and 2 a.m. Nine residents reported damaged or defaced signs to us but officers discovered at least 26 total signs during their patrols." 

One Facebook reply to the police post was from a user named Ann Fogel, who said her sign had been damaged. "We were one of the homes who had their sign vandalized. While it’s just a yard sign, it’s still mean-spirited, destructive and unsettling," the post reads.

Phillips is encouraging anyone with info to report it to the Madeira Police Department at 513-272-4214.

"The safety of everyone in Madeira and their personal property is our top priority. We want every resident to be able to exercise their right to free speech and display whatever sign they choose without fear of it being damaged," he says.