Ohio Sen. Troy Balderson (R-Zanesville) proposed new legislation to prevent new ownership of exotic pets such as gorillas and lions to prevent incidents like the one in Eastern Ohio when dozens of neglected animals were shot to death after their owner set them free and committed suicide. CINCINNATI +1
Students at Dunkerton High School in Dunkerton, Ia. were shocked when a special assembly featuring a musical performance went sour. Bradlee Dean, drummer for the performing band Junkyard Prophet, took the microphone after his band left the stage and launched into rants against abortion and sex before marriage then made homophobic remarks about Lady Gaga and Elton John. WORLD -1
The Cincinnati USA Regional Chamber, the region’s largest business advocacy group, announced its 2012 Policy Agenda in which it supports the repeal of Cincinnati’s Environmental Justice Ordinance. The law requires new or expanding industrial facilities to get an Environmental Justice (EJ) Permit before operation, which signifies their operations won’t cause health problems in surrounding communities. CINCINNATI -2
Experts at the Reuters Food and Agriculture Summit in Chicago announced that up to 50 percent of food in the world goes uneaten; Americans throw away an average of 33 pounds of food per month, according to the Natural Resources Defense Council. WORLD -2
According to a new report from Stateintegrity.org, Ohio’s government doesn’t fare too well when it comes to governmental transparency and integrity. The Buckeye State ranked 34th out of 50 states and earned a “D” on the “Corruption Risk Report Card.” CINCINNATI -2
Former Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich went to a Colorado prison last Thursday to begin serving his 14-year sentence for a corruption conviction. WORLD +1