Comedy: Robert Hawkins

Robert Hawkins doesn’t play a lot of clubs anymore, but when he does, he makes sure one of those is Go Bananas.

Mar 25, 2014 at 11:20 am
click to enlarge Robert Hawkins
Robert Hawkins

Robert Hawkins doesn’t play a lot of clubs anymore, but when he does, he makes sure one of those is Go Bananas. Hawkins has been playing bigger venues recently, as well as opening for Blue Collar Comedy Tour’s Ron White. “I don’t want to be on the road all the time,” he says. “But if you don’t do a lot of shows you don’t improve.” Based in Dallas, he’s concentrating even more on writing and performing. He finds his new schedule, one that involves less post-show revelry, much more workable. “I just don’t have the stamina anymore,” he laughs. “But I’m saving up for a good hurrah at Go Bananas.” 

Showtimes Thursday-Sunday. $8-$14. Go Bananas, 8410 Market Place Lane, Montgomery, 513-984-9288,