Just in time for election season comes a film that fuses the grandeur of history with a surreal comedy scheme seemingly made for the modern era. Director Liza Johnson (Hateship Loveship), working from a screenplay by Joey and Hanala Sagal and Cary Elwes, reveals the untold story behind the most requested photograph in the National Archives: the meeting between Elvis Presley (Michael Shannon) and President Richard Nixon (Kevin Spacey). The facts state that on the morning of Dec. 21, 1970, Elvis Presley appeared on the White House lawn, demanded a sit-down with the leader of the free world and — as the King of Rock & Roll — got exactly what he asked for. From a cinematic standpoint, especially from an independent framework, what could be better than having Shannon and Spacey go toe-to-toe as these iconic figures? (Opens Friday at Esquire Theatre) (R) Not screened in time for review