Event: Power2Give Launch Party

ArtWorks is hosting a party to launch their new crowdfunding website power2give.org, an online cultural marketplace designed to connect donors with projects they are passionate about. Cultural organiz

Jun 17, 2013 at 3:05 pm

ArtWorks is hosting a party to launch their new crowdfunding website power2give.org, an online cultural marketplace designed to connect donors with projects they are passionate about. Cultural organizations are able to post and promote projects in need of funding in order to find donors interested in contributing directly to a specific project. Each project comes with donor benefits for different levels of contribution, so regardless of your income, you can give to local arts and cultural projects on any scale to help bring your favorites to life. 

The Power2Give launch party will feature a cash bar, Dojo Gelato, Fusian Sushi and music by DJ Positronic. 6-9 p.m. Free, but reservations required. Contemporary Arts Center, 44 E. Sixth St., Downtown, artworksp2g.eventbrite.com.