Forecastle Rocked

Jul 14, 2009 at 3:00 pm

With Forecastle and Lebowski Fest both celebrating their 8th anniversaries this weekend in Louisville, Ky, it’s hard to believe there’s room at the inn! But I found the Motel 6 just north of town, across the Ohio River in Jeffersonville, Ind., that did indeed have a vacancy for me. Almost immediately after checking in, I get a call from my old partner in crime, my once and future Bonnaroo buddy, photographer extraordinaire Keith Klenowski.

He’s waiting for me at 5th and Main in downtown Louisville by the main entrance to this year’s Forecastle Festival.—-

So I put on my cowboy hat, gather my things and head for the Belvedere, a riverfront park where the multi-stage music festival is already underway. I park downtown and walk north towards the river. The gate is easy to find, I hit will call and I spot Keith right away. The park facility is a nice grassy spread, lined with sidewalks and concrete stairs. The Friday night crowd is just beginning to swell and already the park is turning into a concrete clusterfuck.

In truth, it always takes a moment to get one’s bearings upon entering a big festival like this. Keith snags a Forecastle schedule with a park map for me and we begin to plan our evening.