It's About Time

Road to Wellness

Feb 28, 2007 at 2:06 pm

What does time mean to you? Timing is everything. Time heals. Is it precious, wasted, so little? If only you had more!

Is it meaningless, standing still or flying by? Do you take your time doing things or have just enough time to get things done? Are you early, late or right on time? Is it time for dinner or time for a change? Are you marking, killing or making time?

Your relationship to time can interfere with your relationships with others. Each of us has our own perspective on time that was developed through our early formative experiences, how our families and cultures treated it and our personality types.

We all know people who are chronically early or late and some who seem to have no concept of time at all. We don't feel respected when others take advantage of our time or waste it.

For instance, people taking their time in the fast lane (highly inconsiderate, by the way) can fuel road rage in others. Some who are easily distracted or who are able to take in a lot at a time frustrate those who are focused on their mission. On the other hand, those who move too quickly might miss something important.

Just pay attention to the effect your timing has on others. Understanding the other's "timetable" is to your advantage — and if you communicate your needs up front you'll reduce or eliminate much stress and anxiety.

If you find that you're sabotaging yourself (via lateness or procrastination) or using time as a power play, it might be helpful to explore and let go of any unresolved emotional experiences or fears that are contributing factors. This can make a huge difference in your happiness and quality of life! Time will tell...

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Unlock your potential with EFT and The Secret! Learn to use and apply Emotional Freedom Techniques and the Law of Attraction to create positive change and see the phenomenal movie The Secret. Next workshop is 9:30 a.m.-5 p.m. March 18 at Everybody's Health in Mason. To register, contact me at 513-680-1875 or [email protected]

JANET BERG is in private practice in Mason and does individual sessions and group/corporate workshops.