Lectures: Digital Hub Non-Conference

Returning for another year, the Digital Hub Initiative brings the 2009 Digital Hub NON-Conference back to the Cincinnati Hyatt and promises to be bigger and better than last year. The NON-Conference is about supporting our region as “The Hub of ‘All Thin

Sep 22, 2009 at 2:06 pm

Returning for another year, the Digital Hub Initiative brings the 2009 Digital Hub NON-Conference back to the Cincinnati Hyatt and promises to be bigger and better than last year. The NON-Conference is about supporting our region as “The Hub of ‘All Things Digital’” in advertising, design, marketing, communications and public relations. This two-day non-conference for tech media savvy students and new-age business-people will have speakers all day both days talking about how to market to audiences, understanding and utilizing different social media and how to add creativity to your business strategy. And over the two days there will be four keynote speakers who were able to sow some deep pockets from making their living in this digital age. For the suits of tomorrow looking to attend there are some options. For $169 you can attend the whole thing, including admission to the Midpoint Music Festival. Or for $30, you can do lunch on Thursday or you can just go for free and visit the job fair Friday between 1-3 p.m.

Get details, register and find nearby bars and restaurants here.