Franki Butler-Kidd is a columnist for The Cincinnati Herald and a fledgling screenwriter who is best known locally for being the mother of “the tuition bandit.” Her son, Andrew Butler, then 20, was convicted in December 2007, on two charges of aggravated robbery and six charges of kidnapping, stemming from the robbery of a Reading bank the previous summer and a botched hold-up of a check-cashing business to get money to help pay for college tuition. He was sentenced to 20 years in prison. Butler-Kidd’s first book, Dream Deferred: A True Story, examines the circumstances that led to her son’s bad choices, as well as what she alleges was a sentencing plea agreement that later was reneged upon by Hamilton County Prosecutor Joe Deters. The author will hold a book “unleashing party” from 3-7 p.m. at the Carl H. Lindner YMCA. Attendees will be able to throw darts at a large poster of Deters, the longtime Republican politician. Hey, would you expect anything less from a woman who operates a blog entitled, “Citizens Against Joe Deters”?
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