Morning News and Stuff

Aug 29, 2011 at 11:12 am

Steve Chabot will host another town hall meeting tonight, this time in Westwood and everyone is welcome to bring their cameras to record the public official hosting a discussion in a public space. Unlike last time.—-

A local woman has been sued for defamation after submitting an unflattering online review of a day care center, probably for using too many emoticons. :'(

Hurricane Irene is over but a lot of people are doing things by candlelight, as power is still out for many. The Huffington Post asks if the media coverage of the hurricane was overhyped, answers its own question and then stops asking stupid questions.

Apparently the storm's end has made the stock markets go up.

Having heart trouble? Eat more chocolate bars. They're good!

Evolution debate: Famous scientist vs. Rick Perry. Scientist 1, Perry 0. (Perry disqualification suggested.)

Jesse Jackson says the Tea Party would have opposed integration, notes that some of its leaders are old enough to have already done it.

The MTV Video Music Awards on Sunday included numerous Amy Winehouse tributes, then Beyonce told everyone she's preggo.