Petitions for the redistricting amendment being pushed by Voters First are about to reach their Friday deadline. If Voters First does not obtain enough signatures, the redistricting amendment will not be on the November ballot. CityBeat has previously covered the petition issue here and the GOP attempt to redraw state districts to its advantage here.
The Beach landed a new operator for the 2013 season: Adventure Holdings LLC. The new operator is expected to make more than $1 million in investments in the park.
An Ohio Department of Education investigation found Lockland School District has been reporting false attendance data. The district’s rating has been bumped down to adjust for the real data.
Some political pundits are saying Cincinnati will play a pivotal role in the 2012 presidential election.
The 2012 Kids Count report by the Annie E. Casey Foundation found Ohio has the sixteenth highest child poverty rate in the United States with nearly 1 in 4 children in poverty.
The Obama campaign will be setting up headquarters at the Hanke Building in Over-the-Rhine.
County officials across Ohio are complaining casino tax money is not making up for losses in state funds.
Forty economists of varying political and ideological beliefs have concluded that the Republican Party has abandoned economic reality.
Mayors Against Illegal Guns has put together a website that demands Barack Obama and Mitt Romney release a plan to end gun violence.
Eye scanners may not be all they’re cracked up to be in movies and TV shows. New research has found a way to completely fool them.