Drink up, in the name of balancing the budget. Reports today say that Governor John Kasich and his administration are planning on turning to booze for profit. Although state officials haven’t confirmed the plan, reports say that Ohio liquor sales would become a funding source for Kasich’s nonprofit job-creation thing, JobsOhio. The $743 million-a-year business has reportedly been booming since the end of prohibition, and Kasich’s proposal calls for there to be enough liquor revenue set aside to continue paying off bond debt as well as going toward Ohio’s General Revenue Fund.—-
Kasich has also come up with a number of ways to cut costs and he expects to share them with us in his state budget next week. Kasich shared a few of his ideas regarding healthcare last Thursday. “Have you ever sat in the emergency room? How about, you know, if we have a program that says we ought to coordinate care.” Kasich’s plan to, you know, coordinate care include people getting their own primary-care doctor, nurses making fewer house calls and babies not being so damn skinny.
Jeff Ruby’s Waterfront restaurant last Friday was swept from its dock for several hours. Former NFL star Cris Collinsworth was one of the 80 people stranded the restaurant turned floatation device and was reportedly the first person off the boat because he's special to test the safety of the ladder. Now Ruby isn’t sure whether or not he wants to stay in the “floating restaurant business.”
James O’Keefe, conservative activist and redcoat hunter, has released an 11-minute edited version of a recording with NPR chief fundraiser Ron Schiller. Schiller can be heard calling Tea Partiers all kinds of naughty words like “racist.” An unedited version of the tape has been released, and even Glenn Beck has admitted to there being some “misleading edits.”
Procter & Gamble's Febreze air fresheners have hit the $1 billion mark in revenue this year. Join the club!
Sarah Palin is a sad panda now that HBO has decided to adapt the book Game Change into a movie. The 2010 literary release basically summarized how the Republicans threw away their chances by bringing Palin on board during the 2008 presidential campaign. Palin said she was happy to provide “job security” for Julianne Moore who has agreed to portray her in the film. Or as Palin calls it “pretending to be me.”'