Music: Camera Obscura at MidPoint Indie Summer Series

In their 14-year history, Scottish Indie Pop collective Camera Obscura has benefited from high profile endorsements (legendary DJ John Peel was an early champion and Belle and Sebastian frontman Stuart Murdoch produced CO's debut album in 2001) while stu

Jun 1, 2010 at 2:06 pm

In their 14-year history, Scottish Indie Pop collective Camera Obscura has benefited from high profile endorsements — legendary DJ John Peel was an early champion and Belle and Sebastian frontman Stuart Murdoch produced CO’s debut full-length, 2001’s Biggest Bluest Hi Fi — while stuffing their press kit with glowing praise for each successive album (2003’s Underachievers Please Try Harder, 2006’s Let’s Get Out of This Country and last year’s brilliant My Maudlin Career).

“After Country came out, we changed our playing quite a lot, and My Maudlin Career was an extension of that,” drummer Lee Thomson says. “We were trying to be bolder musically and play more competently and that’s definitely been the case the last 16 months while we’ve been touring. In the old days, we were quite airy fairy ... people were scared to make noise. We’re more brash now; it‘s definitely better these days.”

Camera Obscura headlines the kickoff show for the MidPoint Indie Summer Series Friday night at Fountain Square.

Get show details and read Brian Baker's full interview with Thomson here.