Success doesn’t come tracked any faster than that of The Airborne Toxic Event. Starting with an indie label last year, TATE was quickly attractive to the majors and, after several meetings, the Los Angeles quintet decided to cast its lot with Island Records. There was something about the label’s offer that was too good to pass up.
“We didn‘t have to sign our children away; we worked out a very band-friendly deal,” says vocalist/guitarist Mikel Jollett. “You know, when you meet Satan, he’s actually a nice guy. We thought he’d be a dick, but he isn’t. He buys you dinner and he has great feng shui. You’d be surprised."
The quintet immediately wrote and recorded songs, sending MP3s out into the blogosphere and posting them on their freshly minted MySpace page. Within a month of forming, TATE played its first show. By the end of 2006, Rolling Stone named the group one of MySpace’s Top 25 bands.
They play The Mad Hatter with Hazle Weatherfield. Get show details and read an interview with the band here.