Bill Alletzhauser is pathologically busy with The Hiders, his acclaimed Roots Rock band with a trio of well-received releases. It seems natural to wonder why he doubled his band responsibilities and joined fellow Cincinnati band The Sweep.
“Probably something bad that happened in my childhood,” Alletzhauser says as we huddle around the liquor table in the Batcave, his home practice space/studio. “Some familiar neurosis that I gravitated toward. In a way, they’re like a younger version of Ass Ponys, where I get to be the oldest guy in the band instead of the youngest.”
The band — vocalist/guitarist Nic Powers, bassist Glen May, drummer Brian Moeller — cracks up, but Alletzhauser doesn’t require therapy or added band duties to assuage nebulous early devastations (although he’s had a well-documented array). He dual-banded with Ass Ponys and Ruby Vileos, but more importantly, toggling between the swelling Indie Rock of The Sweep and the rootsy Hiders couldn’t be easier for Alletzhauser — Powers sits out and keyboardist Kevin Carlisle tags in for The Hiders (vocalist Beth Harris does double duty as well).
The Sweep performs a free show Friday at the Northside Tavern with Culture Queer. Go here to read Brian Baker's full interview.