It's Not Too Late for Iran and Syria
The Coalition for Peace With Iraq (CPWI) is organizing to help rebuild the anti-war movement. CPWI meets from 4-6 p.m. the first and third Sundays of each month at Mt. Auburn Presbyterian Church. The next meeting is Sunday.Rebirth in Old SpaceThe Crazy Ladies Bookstore, which since the '70s has been a resource and refuge for women, now becomes the west-side campus of Women Writing for (a) Change. All — yes, even men and well-behaved children — are invited to the grand re-opening Sunday. A 7:30 p.m. story circle follows a 6 p.m. potluck. For more information contact 513-272-1171 or [email protected], or visit
How to Eat Your Greens and Like It EarthSave Cincinnati presents free documentaries at 8 p.m. Mondays at Kaldi's Coffee House on Main Street. The highly recommended film Maximum Nutrition, about transitioning toward a plant-based diet, plays Monday, followed by Mountaintop Removal Roadshow Nov. 29.