Celebrating Roe v. Wade
Freedom of Choice Ohio hosts the 35th Anniversary Roe v. Wade Dinner and Lecture Jan. 31, 2008, at Ohio State University's Fawcett Center in Columbus. The keynote speaker is Dr. Susan Wicklund, a physician, pro-choice pioneer and author. Wicklund is the author of This Common Secret: My Journey as an Abortion Doctor. For more information or to reserve tickets all Jaime 800-466-2725 or write [email protected].
Learn Police Work
The next session of the Cincinnati Police Department's Citizens Police Academy is Jan. 16 through March 5, 2008.Designed to provide better understanding between citizens and police, the meetings are 6-9 p.m. Wednesdays. Topics include laws of arrest, use of force, criminal investigation, the mental health response team, domestic violence and personal safety. To apply, contact Monica Ervin at 513-357-7554 or [email protected]. The application is Jan. 4.
Stand for Peace
The Women in Black have been demonstrating against the war in Iraq since it started in 2003. Participants gather with signs in the traffic island at Vine Street and Central Parkways from 4:30-5:30 p.m. Mondays. All peacemakers are welcome, including men and people not dressed in black. Peace workers in Northside hold a vigil from 4:30-5:30 p.m. Fridays in front of Hoffner Park, at the corner of Hamilton Avenue and Blue Rock Road.