Sir Arthur Conan Doyle created quite a franchise with his tales of Sherlock Holmes, the detective who solved crimes with his amazing skills of deductive reasoning. Probably his best-known tale is “The Hound of the Baskervilles,” in which Holmes and his assistant Dr. Watson investigate a “hound of hell” that stalks the moors. Cincinnati Shakespeare Company’s summer production is the regional premiere of a hilarious three-actor romp farcically adapted by Steve Canny. Three of CSC’s best actors — Jeremy Dubin, Nick Rose and Brent Vimtrup play all the characters — are being directed by one of Greater Cincinnati’s best directors, Michael Evan Haney from the Cincinnati Playhouse, to create a production full of physical humor and visual gags, offering a laugh out-loud evening. One review of the show’s recent London premiere called it “pure comic bliss … reminiscent of the Marx Brothers.” $22-$28. Cincinnati Shakespeare Company. Thursday-Sunday. Through Aug. 12. 719 Race St., Downtown. 513-381-2273