Since 2009, the drama program at UC’s College-Conservatory of Music has presented an annual “festival of student-created new works.” If you’re yearning for Cincinnati’s annual Fringe Festival (the 10th annual will be here in June), this is a tasty dose of midwinter creativity to tide you over. Choose between six original 30-minute works created by more than 50 students. (They’re performed between 7-9 p.m. on Thursday, Friday and Saturday.) You have to pick four of the six — a kind of theater roulette. Each one will be a jolt of theatrical energy and innovation; fresh theatrical works by young artists flexing their creative muscles as authors and performers. The envelope is not stretched: It’s ripped open. Here are the titles: 2122 Michigan Avenue; SLUT: Seven Lucid Untamed Thoughts; Void; The Opening; The Sherwin-Williams Effect and Sentenced. The event is free, but you need to reserve tickets. Corbett Center, Rooms 3705, 4735 and 4755, CCM, University of Cincinnati, 2600 Clifton Ave., Clifton. 513-556-4183,