Ratchet & Clank

This animated adventure follows the timeworn blueprint of an impending galactic threat that must be met and thwarted by a steely resistance augmented by the presence of a lowly figure and a robot ally.

Apr 27, 2016 at 1:30 pm
click to enlarge 'Ratchet & Clank'
'Ratchet & Clank'


his animated adventure follows the timeworn blueprint of an impending galactic threat that must be met and thwarted by a steely resistance augmented by the presence of a lowly figure and a robot ally. Ratchet (voiced by James Arnold Taylor) is a mechanic and Clank (David Kaye) is the robot partner. Directors Kevin Munroe (Dylan Dog: Dead of Night and TMNT) and Jericca Cleland (the television series Animism) are working their way up the ladder, having plied their trade on a variety of projects — Finding Nemo, Arthur Christmas and the video game Freaky Flyers — and a gig like this, sporting the vocal support of Rosario Dawson, Paul Giamatti, John Goodman and Sylvester Stallone, will be a significant upgrade in their filmography. (Opens wide Friday) (PG) Not screened in time for review