Religion at Work
Kevin Osborne’s Porkopolis column on the Founding Fathers’ religious beliefs (“A Crash Course in [Real] U.S. History,” issue of Jan. 14) is excellent as well as little known.
Renaissance men questioned talking snakes, towns of Babel and floods with no explanation as to where all the water went. The Muslim war against the West is the current example of religion at work. — Dan Griffith, Covington
Reflective Larry
Larry Gross’ “Midnight in France” column (issue of Jan. 14) was a good read to start the new year. I’ve read him for a long time now and can’t help but notice how his columns are changing.
We still get the straightout opinion stuff sometimes, some of which I agree with and some I don’t, but lately Gross has let us see his softer, reflective side. In some cases now he’s at least taking the time to let us know why he’s grumpy! — Janice Thomas, Newport
Rubbing Off on Larry?
I read Larry Gross’ “Midnight in France” column (issue of Jan. 14) and laughed out loud. Larry positive? He’s Mr. Negative!
I don’t recall him ever writing anything positive about this city. Often times he makes my blood boil. Let me reserve judgement.
Let’s see if this Julie person rubs off on Gross. I’m not counting on it. — Lou Wells, Mason