Rob Anderson

Inside Artists' Heads

Mar 12, 2008 at 2:06 pm
Rob Anderson, "In the Studio"

Rob Anderson's sensitive paintings examine the subtle relationships between individuals and their everyday surroundings. Observed directly from life, his drawings — on view at Dicere Gallery in Camp Washington through March 29 — display Anderson's prodigious ability to capture the human figure. The following are a few things that inspire this young talent. (Tamera Lenz Muente)

Public Radio. I listen to WOXY and WNKU while I paint. They play a good variety of music, so I can listen to them for hours and not get tired of it.

Francis Bacon, Lucian Freud and Antonio Lopez Garcia.Bacon and Freud are two of my all-time favorite artists because of the inventive ways in which they deal with the figure. Lately, I have been drawing more and have gained a greater appreciation for the sincerity of Garcia's drawings.

The Human Figure.I am always amazed by the insight that one can gain about a person's state of mind or relationship with others simply by examining the expressive subtleties of body language.

Friends and Family. A lot of my ideas and observations that become the foundation for my work are derived from my experiences, which would be lacking without the company of my friends. And my fiancée Jamie has always been supportive of my career. She continually finds the time to listen to me ramble about my theories on painting and life.

High Fidelity.Nick Hornby's book/movie is the epitome of the "top five" list.

ARTICULATIONS offers things important to one of Cincinnati's visual artists.