No matter which way thou goest this weekend one canst run into a play by Shakespeare.—- Cincinnati Outdoor Classics (populated mostly by students enrolled in the CCM Drama program) are presenting an open-air production of Love's Labour's Lost at Seasongood Pavilion in Eden Park. It's the story of some virtuous (and foolish) young men who vow to forsake women for three years — and almost immediately regret the decision and try to find ways around it without letting one another know.
Meanwhile, Cincinnati Shakespeare Company is kicking off its 17th season with a production of Much Ado About Nothing, the tale of a strong-minded pair who refuse to admit that they could be swayed by the power of romance — and then have to live with the teasing of repercussions when everyone finds out that they're head-over-heels in love with one another.
The park production is by young talent, but it's free and should be fun. Cincy Shakes has a way with such comedies that could make for a perfect way to spend a late summer evening.
Sounds like you can't go wrong either way.