Cincinnati officials today released an updated list of City Hall employees who have unpaid parking tickets, and the list includes members of the Police and Fire departments.
A total of 311 municipal employees have delinquent parking tickets, totaling $30,662 in unpaid fines, as of May 4th. That amounts to about 0.25 percent of the total amount of delinquent tickets, said a city spokeswoman.—-
The list includes 88 employees in the Police Department, and 32 employees in the Fire Department.
Overall, the number of municipal employees with unpaid tickets dropped from last month, when 429 people owed money.
Earlier this week City Hall issued a press release stating that anyone with unpaid parking tickets should pay now or possibly have their vehicles impounded by police. It included a statement from Police Lt. Col. Michael Cureton, the interim police chief, warning “Citizens with unpaid parking tickets run the risk of having their vehicles impounded on the spot, which results in additional expense and unnecessary inconvenience.”
From March until June 30 the city is offering a “ticket amnesty” program. It allows violators to get a 50-percent discount on unpaid parking citations that were issued before July 1, 2010.
An estimated 62,000 people owe a total of $12.3 million in unpaid fines, which City Hall needs to help avoid a looming $54 million deficit.
At least the city's ticketing policies seem even-handed. Included on the list of municipal employees who have unpaid tickets are three parking enforcement officers: Marlena Coleman, Bernard Holt and Vincent Smith.