Tony Becker, a Yale grad and trained painter, has been a full-time artist for 20 years, and he does a little of everything: painting, sculpture and collage.
He makes allowances for family, such as being there when his children get home from school. But don't confuse him with a stay-at-home dad. "I couldn't just stop doing art to raise the kids," he says. "It would be too high of a cost mentally."
Becker's sponsor, the law firm of Taft, Stettinius & Hollister , who foster dot-coms through Main Street Ventures, proposed e-piggy.com, found on Central Parkway's median at Main. Becker used a fiberglass pig as a form to shape wire mesh containing a globe and sporting wire wings and a steel lightning bolt. Becker worked to make the pig his own. The finished product, at least in composition, resembles some of his light, airy sculptures.
Becker says local artists must work hard. "I don't know too many artists, especially in this town, who can really make a living out of their art." He's had shows at The Carnegie, Closson's and Suzanna Terrill Gallery.
Becker is content to work in his studio at the Pendleton Arts Center, a space for the figurative, rather than the abstract, and a place to find solutions for any problem.