Watch Ill Poetic Live at

May 13, 2010 at 11:43 am

Tonight, CityBeat hosts its first-ever live concert stream, enabling you to look at and listen to the Ill Poetic/Approach Hip Hop show at The Mad Hatter at The event — which also features guests like DJ Rare Groove, Jamili Brown and DJ Bandcamp — is a release party for Ill Poetic and Kansas MC Approach’s new album, Aloe Park, as well as a re-release party in honor of the reissue of Ill Po’s 2007 solo effort, The World Is Ours.—- Go here for the live stream.

MC/producer Ill Poetic was formerly based in Cincinnati (he's originally from Dayton) but now lives the nomadic lifestyle, traveling to different cities to work on a variety projects. He also pens the monthly Hip Hop column for CityBeat, Hip Hop (Un)Scene, a great series that offers sage advice for aspiring artists.

Of course, the best way to witness the show is to head to Covington tonight and be there in person (click here for details). But if you can’t, tune in to and jam along at home. Show starts around 10 p.m. And if you are out and about this evening, stop by the Original Thought Required shop on Main Street in Over-the-Rhine for an in-store performance by Ill Poetic and Approach at 6 p.m.