Your Monday To Do List

Mar 12, 2012 at 11:20 am

Wash down your Bock with the sounds of Bach tonight at the German Brass and Beer, hosted by Arnold's Bar and Grill. The concert:nova brass qunitet has a set of traditional waltzes, dance numbers and marches in store for the 6 p.m. concert. At 7 p.m., enjoy a dinner of authentic German fare. Tickets are $55, $35 for pass holders, and can be purchased here.

The Civic Garden Center holds another gardening class tonight: "Vegetative Propagation; Plant Cloning Made Easy." With patience and care, any gardener can reproduce almost any plant. Join instructor Paul Koloszar to learn how to make more of the plants you love. The program runs from 6-8 p.m. and is $10 (free for CGC volunteers). Go here for more information.

JGourmet is a regular cooking class presented by Jewish Young Professionals (JYP) Access. Tonight's event is centered around the best meal of the day — breakfast. Bakers from Pigasus Bagel and Bread, along with JYP members, will teach guests how to make perfect homemade bagels and delicious omelets at A Forkable Feast. After the class, enjoy the delicious meal you've created. Who can resist breakfast for dinner? The 7 p.m. event is open to Jewish young professionals and their significant others (of all faiths). Admission is just $10. RSVP here.

Mayday presents its bi-weekly Bombs Away! comedy open mic tonight from 8-11 p.m. Register for a five-minute spot or just come to enjoy the hilarity of others.

Milton's on Propsect Hill also continues its weekly Vinyl Night. Bring your favorite records to share or have a DJ play them for you. Find musical suggestions and event details here.

The Covedale Center for Performing Arts holds auditions for two Showboat Majestic shows tonight. Men, women and children are welcome to audition for Rounding Third (Aug. 8-26) and The Music Man (Sept. 12-30). No appointments are necessary. Find requirements and performance details here.

For today's list of gallery shows, check out our To Do page. Follow our music blog for live shows.