Events: The Yoni Show

After nine months of swelling, mood swings and abstaining from beer, coffee and carnival rides, you’d think a woman could at least choose her method of giving birth. Not so, says the state of Ohio. Enter The Yoni Show (and yes, you read that right — “Yon

May 11, 2011 at 2:06 pm

After nine months of swelling, mood swings and abstaining from beer, coffee and carnival rides, you'd think a woman could at least choose her method of giving birth. Not so, says the state of Ohio. Ohio Families for Safe Birth is rallying to get a bill passed to allow certified professional midwives to obtain legal licenses, making home birth an option for moms-to-be. Enter The Yoni Show (and yes, you read that right — "Yoni," as in the Sanskrit word for vagina). Whether you're a man, woman, parent or not, you can support the cause and get a night of entertainment at The Aquarius Star and its OM Café (329 Ludlow Ave., Clifton). Local dancers, singers, poets, storytellers and musicians are coming together to artistically express their own views on the intimacy of childbirth. Celebrate Mother Nature’s idea of a grand entrance at 7 p.m. this Saturday.

Go here for more information.