Art: Jessica Dessner at Country Club

Jessica Dessner, older sister of twins Bryce and Aaron of the locally-cultivated Brooklyn-based Indie band The National, has a varied arts background herself. She only recently took up drawing, after being commissioned by a musician friend, Sufjan Steven

Nov 9, 2010 at 2:06 pm

Jessica Dessner, a Brooklyn artist with a familiar last name in these parts, has a show of new drawings on display at Country Club gallery in Oakley.

She is the older sister of twin brothers Bryce and Aaron, native-Cincinnatian members of the popular Brooklyn-based Indie band The National. Bryce also founded MusicNow, the boutique music festival held here in spring.

Jessica, who is 37, has a varied arts background herself. She only recently took up drawing, after being commissioned by a musician friend, Sufjan Stevens. At Country Club, her show — Before You Know — features 10 colored-pencil drawings. A majority are not just representational-realistic but architectural in a detailed, observational way.

Dessner's exhibit, Before You Know, is on display at Country Club in Oakley through Jan. 8. Go here to read Steve Rosen's full story.