This Weekend, Experience a Colorful, Nonsensical Wonderland... in the Dark

A themed benefit event for CABVI will help attendees understand what living with blindness or visual impairments frequently is like.

Nov 17, 2021 at 10:08 am
click to enlarge Alice is ready to experience CABVI's version of Wonderland. - Photo: Oliver Alaya, Flickr Creative Commons
Photo: Oliver Alaya, Flickr Creative Commons
Alice is ready to experience CABVI's version of Wonderland.

When Alice visited Wonderland in Lewis Carroll's series of novels, she was dazzled by unexpected sights, bizarre characters and whimsical food.

But what would Alice have experienced had she been blind?

CABVI (Cincinnati Association for the Blind and Visually Impaired) aims to give attendees a taste of just that during its Dining in the Dark event Saturday, Nov. 20. The fundraiser will feature a Wonderland theme with dinner, drinks and entertainment, but guests will be blindfolded for portions of it to better understand how people with blindness and visual impairments often experience the world.

In addition to a blindfolded dinner, the evening down the rabbit hole will include a signature cocktail, a silent auction, a faux fur coat raffle and a split-the-pot contest. Guests are encouraged to dress in semi-formalwear or as Wonderland inhabitants. A Mad Hatter also will award prizes to those wearing the craziest of hats.

What is CABVI's goal? From the event invitation:

The goal of Dining in the Dark is for our guests to better understand some of the challenges that those who are blind or visually impaired are faced with every day. In 2020, we served over 4,500 clients, including many people with financial need who were unable to pay for their services and equipment. With your generous help, we can continue serving people of all ages regardless of their ability to pay for these services or adaptive equipment. Together, we can continue to build brighter futures for people with vision loss.

Tickets to the event are sold out, but supporters can still participate in the silent auction. Find more information and a preview of the auction on CABVI's website.

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